are fortunate because they can livetwice: first during their own lifetimes,
and then into the future via their works. Suteja Neka, a former school
teacher intersted in art, collected paintings inspired by Bali so that
fine examples remained on the island as sources of documentation, information
and inspiration. To display this collection to residents and visitors,
he opened NEKA Museum in 1976. It was recognized by the Indonesian government
in 1982 with the establishment of the Yayasan Dharma seni (Foundation for
Devotin to the Arts). Located in a garden setting overlooking a river valley,
NEKA Museum is an ideal places to enjoy some of the finest atrworks
by Baliese, other Indonesian, and foreign-born artist inspired by the magic
and mistery of BALI.
The NEKA Museum collection is displayed in several buildings
patterned after Balinese architecture. The main structures are for the
permanent dispaly of th NEKA Museum's government registered collection.
Another buidings is used for temporary exhibitions. The NEKA Museum
has achieved high standards as a museum of international standing. By July
of 1997 the NEKA Museum covered an area of 9150 square metres, with
2580 square meters of floor space. the buildings are well maintained and
the artworks are displayed and organized historically.
NEKA Collection
| Artist |
Suteja Neka | Exhibition